AU - الحمد، نايف فدعوس. AU - العوهلي، خالد بن ناصر AU - حميدات، محمود أحمد AB - The study aimed to detect the level of social phobia and its relationship psychological adjustment and social among Saudi students in Jordanian universities (Yarmouk University, University of Science and Technology, University of Jordan), within the undergraduate, The study sample consisted of (180) students were randomly selected from the study population, the researchers used scale social phobia, and scale of psychological adjustment and social, the study concluded in their findings to the low level of social phobia among a sample study, and that the students have a sense of high psychological adjustment, social, and that there is an inverse relationship statistically significant between social phobia and psychological adjustment and social among Saudi students in Jordanian universities. (Published Abstract) ID - 119564 OP - ص ص. 1871-1886 T1 - مستوى الرهاب الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالتكيف النفسي والاجتماعي لدى الطلبة السعوديين في الجامعات الأردنية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)