أثر مشروع القراءة الإثرائية لمركز الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي بجامعة نزوى على مهارات التعبير الشفوي والاتجاه نحو القراءة لدى طالبات الصف السابع الأساسي
This study aimed to evaluate enrichment reading project at the Khalil bin Ahmed al-Farhadi center at the university of Nizwa in the sultanate of Oman. the study sample consisted of 54 female students from the seventh grade at the heritage school (grades 5-10) in the Nizwa governorate, selected purposively. two instruments were used: an observation card to measure the students' levels in oral expression skills, and a questionnaire to investigate the attitudes of seventh-grade female students toward reading stories and booklets from the Khalil bin Ahmed al-Farhadi center. the study lasted for two months in the second semester of the academic year 2003/2024 according to a strategy outlined in the study procedures. the results revealed that the oral expression skills of the seventh-grade female students in the experimental sample ranged from high to very high, and the attitudes of the seventh-grade female students toward reading were positive. as all the means for all the paragraphs ranged between (1-2), there were no statistically significant differences between the levels of female students in oral presentation skills and their attitudes toward reading from reading materials at the Khalil center. the study ended with a group of recommendations aimed to develop this project such as constructing instruments relating to reading and attitudes toward reading accompanying the project of stories and booklets that have been produced. (Published abstract)