درجة توافر مهارات التفكير المنظومي في كتاب اللغة العربية للصف السابع الأساسي في الأردن


The study aimed to reveal the degree of availability of systemic thinking skills in the Arabic language textbook for the seventh grade in Jordan. The study sample consisted of all the prescribed Arabic language textbooks. The first level and the second level, which are two parts of the scientific material, used the sentence as a unit of analysis, and the study tool was a list containing the main systemic thinking skills prepared by the researcher. It included the skill: understanding relationships, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Each main skill includes several sub-skills in the function rank. On that skill, the number reached (20) skills, The study reached several results, the most important of which are: These skills in total were repeated (365) times, and the percentage of each skill varied. The skill of perceiving relationships came in first place with a frequency of (173), with a percentage of (47.3%), and the skill of analysis came in second place with a frequency of (47.3%). (106) with a percentage of (29.0%), while the installation skill came in third place with a percentage of (16.4%), and in the fourth and final place came the evaluation skill with a percentage of (7.1%). The study recommended: 1) The necessity of focusing the content of the Arabic language book on systemic thinking skills, the percentage of which was low in the sub-skills, 3) Calling on those responsible for writing the Arabic language book to increase interest in systemic thinking skills and including them in the Arabic language book, 4) Directing the teacher in the prescribed guides to focus on these skills. (Author’s abstract)