برنامج علاجي مقترح للتخفيف من صعوبات تعلم الرياضيات لدى تلاميذ السنة الثالثة من التعليم الابتدائي
The study aimed at identifying the efficiency of the remediation program in reducing learning deficiencies in mathematics for third year primary school pupils. Adopting an achievement test, a program proposed in mathematics was applied via a quasi- experimental study that was conducted with a sample of five third-year pupils at the primary school of BOUZID Elmeki in the state of Oum Elboughi, Algeria. The statistical analysis of the data lead to the conclusion that the proposed program is effective in improving pupils' academic achievement and in overcoming their learning difficulties in mathematics. It is recommended, in the light of these results, that moving from description to designing and building programs of remediation for those suffering from academic learning difficulties is worthwhile. (Published abstract)