فعالية الخرائط الذهنيّة الرقميّة في التّفكير النّاقد لدى طالبات الصّف الثامن الأساسيّ في مبحث العلوم
The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of digital mind maps on critical thinking skills among eighth-grade students in the science subject. A quasi-experimental design with control and experimental groups was employed. To achieve the study's objective, a critical thinking test was constructed, and its validity and reliability were ensured. The study sample consisted of 40 female students, with two classes intentionally selected from the school. The students were randomly assigned to two groups: the first group, representing the experimental group, consisted of 20 students and was taught using "digital mind maps." The second group, representing the control group, also consisted of 20 students and was taught using traditional methods. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05) between the average scores of the students attributed to the teaching method used with the group (traditional, mind maps). The differences favored the experimental group (mind maps). In light of the study's results, several recommendations were made: encouraging educational institutions to offer training programs for teachers on how to effectively use mind maps in classrooms, and integrating mind maps into curricula as part of routine educational activities. (Author's abstract)