درجة توافر أبعاد العدالة التنظيمية لدى مديري معاهد العلوم الإسلامية بسلطنة عمان وعلاقتها بالارتباط الوظيفي للمعلمين
The study aimed to identify the availability degree of organizational justice dimensions in Islamic sciences institutes principals in the Sultanate of Oman and the relationship between that and teachers' Job engagement. The study followed the descriptive correlative method, and the questionnaire was used to collect data and information, and it was applied to a sample of (77) teachers. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: The availability Degree dimensions of organizational justice among the principals of Islamic sciences institutes in the Sultanate of Oman was generally high, and it was high in the dimensions of fairness of procedures and fairness of transactions, while it was moderate in the dimension of distributive justice. The results also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level (a≤0.05) in the responses of the study sample of teachers to the degree of practice of principals of Islamic science institutes of dimensions of organizational justice in the Sultanate of Oman due to the variables of years of experience and scientific qualification. The results also showed that the level of job engagement among teachers of Islamic science institutes in the Sultanate of Oman was generally high, and it was also high in all dimensions, Vigor, Dedication and Absorption. The results also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level (a≤0.05) in the responses of the study sample of teachers to the level of their job engagement with the Islamic sciences institutes in the Sultanate of Oman due to the variables of years of experience and scientific qualification. In addition, the results showed that there was a positive, positive direct relationship with statistical significance at the level (a≤0.05) between the practice of the principals of Islamic sciences institutes in the Sultanate of Oman of organizational justice and job engagement of teachers in these institutes. The study recommended several recommendations, the most important of which are: to grant higher administrations to the principals of Islamic sciences institutes more powers and authorities that would enable them to achieve organizational justice among the teachers of these institutes, especially in the distribution of tasks, duties, responsibilities and job roles; The higher administrations enhance the level of loyalty and organizational affiliation of teachers of Islamic sciences institutes by recognizing their efforts and contributions to achieving the goals of the educational process in those institutes, and appreciating those efforts by celebrating and honoring them at all levels. (Author’s abstract)