سياسات تربوية مقترحة للحد من الفساد الأكاديمي في مؤسسات التعليم العالي


The study aimed to identify the most prominent forms of academic corruption in institutions of higher education, its challenges and its danger to the educational system, the efficiency of outputs and its danger to society and the labor market, and to identify the policies that must be drawn up by decision makers to reduce all types of academic corruption, in order to propose and build educational policies to develop and develop the ethical system to reduce Academic corruption. The study used the descriptive analytical developmental approach to review the literature and previous studies. The policies were built on four main pillars: competition control laws, emphasis on the role of the state, development of recruitment criteria, freedom, and independence. The study recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which are 2. Building a clear ethical system that includes clear rules, procedures, and penalties to hold any immoral behavior accountable with deterrent penalties. (Published abstract)