تكنولوجيا التعليم ودورها في تفعيل أهداف تعليم التلاميذ ذوي صعوبات تعلم القراءة والكتابة من وجهة نظر أساتذة التعليم الثانوي : دراسة ميدانية عبر موقع التواصل الاجتماعي الفيسبوك


Increased interest in activating technology innovations, especially in the field of education, especially education for people with learning difficulties, so that the current study aimed to identify educational technology and its role in activating the goals of teaching students with learning difficulties to read and write from the viewpoint of secondary education teachers and this through: Identifying the foundations and The foundations of educational technology, identifying the classification of educational technology media for people with learning difficulties of both types. Electronic educational technologies and non-electronic educational technologies, identifying the evaluation of the level of employment of educational technology in achieving the goals of education for those with literacy difficulties from the viewpoint of secondary education teachers, and this is by using the descriptive and analytical approach on a sample Reached (30) Professor and professor, applying a questionnaire on the use of educational technologies for people with learning difficulties, by the researcher, "Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad bin Shuja Al-Osaimi," which consists of 18 statements, and the results were: The level of employing educational technology in achieving the goals of education for those with learning difficulties reading and writing from the viewpoint of professors Secondary education is medium. (Published abstract)