التفاعل بين أنماط التدريب وأساليب التعلم ببيئة التعلم الإلكترونية باستخدام النظرية البنائية لتنمية مهارات تصميم وإنتاج مصادر التعلم الرقمية لدى طلاب دبلوم تكنولوجيا التعليم


The research goal is to develop the skills of designing and producing digital learning resources on the learning technology diploma students. To accomplish that goal, the researcher used the developmental research method by applying Khamis Model (5102) to design the adaptive and adaptable training environment, the factorial design of variation (5x5) to studying the interaction effect between variables. A research sample was formed of (22) post-graduate students of the professional diploma students, specializing in the education technology. They were divided into four experimental groups according to the semi-experimental design of the research. It is Adaptive Dependent (01) students, Adaptive Independent (01) students, Adaptable Dependent (00) students, Adaptable Independent (01) students. The research tools were: The Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Styles Scale (GRSLSS) To classify Learners into Dependent and Independent, the cognitive achievement test of the design skills and production of digital learning resources, the score card of the produced Resources. The results of the research revealed: an interaction between the training type and the learning style in cognitive achievement and quality of digital learning resources product; Where it came in favor of the first group (Adaptive Dependent), and the fourth group (Adaptable Independent). The research recommends develop a digital learning resources course for the professional diploma students. (Published abstract)