فعالية برنامج قائم على الألعاب التعليمية التفاعلية في تنمية الانتباه الانتقائي لدى التلاميذ المعاقين فكريا بمدارس الدمج الشامل


The aim of the current research is to identify the effectiveness of a program based on interactive educational games in developing selective attention processes among intellectually handicapped pupils in comprehensive integration schools. The program was applied on a sample consisting of (10) students of the intellectually disabled primary school who were fully integrated in government schools, and it ranged their ages are between (9-12) years, with an average age of (10.8) and a standard deviation (1.13), and with an IQ factor of (68) degrees. The research tools were represented in the auditory selective attention scale, the selective visual attention scale, and the program based on interactive educational games (researcher's preparation), and the results of the research resulted in the effectiveness of the program based on interactive educational games in developing auditory and visual selective attention. For intellectually disabled pupils. (Published abstract)