درجة اشراكية الطالب في كتاب العلوم المطور للصف السادس الأساسي في الأردن


The current study aimed to determine the degree of student involvement in the developed science book for the sixth grade in Jordan for the academic year 2021/2022, by displaying educational material, drawings, figures and activities, To achieve this goal, the study adopted the descriptive analytical approach, using the Romy's formula card, and the study population included all pages of the science book and the activity and exercises book for the sixth grade in its first and second parts. Scientific material - fees and figures - educational activities, A tool for the study was also designed, which is a card for analyzing the content of the science book, according to Romy's equations, The results of the study stated the following, the coefficient of participation of the Book of Science in presenting the scientific material of the Book of Science in its first and second parts was (1.09), which is within the acceptable range determined by the Romy method, and the coefficient of participation of the Science Book in displaying the graphics and figures of the Science Book in its first and second parts was (1.08), which is a good percentage according to what was determined by Romy's equation, and the coefficient of participation of activities for the science book as a whole was (1.64), which is an unacceptable coefficient according to the criterion set by Romy. (Author’s abstract)