دور برنامج مرافقة المعلم الجديد في عملية التكيّف الوظيفي في إحدى المؤسسات التربوية في بيروت : دراسة ثلاث حالات


The aim of this study was to discover the role of an induction program in aiding novice teachers to improve their performance and adapt to a new environment. For this purpose, a qualitative multiple case study was conducted in three private schools that are affiliated with the same association. The research focused on the experiences of kindergarten and elementary teachers. The theory of Andragogy framed the study. The purposive sample consisted of twenty-two participants. Semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and observations were deployed to gather the required data. After inductively analyzing the data, the results were in favor of the existing induction program and its role in orienting and supporting teachers. This was reflected in the positive outcomes when it came to classroom management and dealing with a high number of students per class among other things. Finally, the study purported that mutual respect and trust were of utmost importance to establish a healthy relationship between the mentor and mentee. As a suggestion, it was highlighted that novice teachers need to be given the opportunity to choose their mentors. Also, it is better not to assign coordinators as mentors in order to avoid having conflicting roles. (Published abstract)