الأخطاء الكتابية لمعلمي العربية المتوقع تخرجهم من كلية التربية بجامعة الكويت


This study aims to explore writing errors of Kuwait University’s college of education pre-service Arabic teachers. A random sample (n=59) was chosen from pre-service Arabic teachers registered in practicum course. Arabic teachers were asked to write a two-page lesson plan for a text embedded within 12th grade’s Arabic curriculum stating their objectives, activities, teaching aids, and instructional practices for a reading comprehension class. On average, results showed that Arabic teachers made 21 writing errors per 487 written words. Altogether, 56 types of writing errors were made; 16 of which constituted 85% of the overall errors. Arabic teachers made phonological based, orthographic-based, morph syntactic-based, and language-use errors. The percentages of these major sources of errors were 8%, 44%, 36%, and 12%, respectively. No single pre-service Arabic teacher was successful in writing a two-page lesson plan without any writing error. (Published abstract)