درجة ارتباط المحتوى التعليمي لدى تلاميذ التعليم الإبتدائي بواقع السودان الاجتماعي والثقافي : دراسة نوعية
The study aims to discover the correlation degree of content learning for social and cultural reality for the students in primary school. The researcher follow descriptive analytical and induction methods in the study process, the data consist three books from primary schools; it involves Arabic Language for third and fifth class, and history book for fifth class. The researcher used the form of analytical content as tool for collecting information. The study consists introduction, presented the discussion of results, and conclusion it take a summary with important results, recommendations and suggestions. The study reach to results; and the important of them; education content has correlation with social reality for primary school students, the theoretical value, it found great attention for the authors, and repeated for 359 value form some values for three books, moreover the study should reach. The researcher recommended for National Center of Curriculums and Pedagogic Research to select social list value to help in increase to less repeat value, especially witch need by Sudanese society in the changes that popping: like violence and non-acceptance for otherwise. To recommended for curriculum teachers, to link the value with social reality for students who learn in primary school. Also the researcher suggested making procedure for analytical studies about extent students a quire the society values which found in learning content in primary level, and make studies to discover more values that link social reality for students in primary level. (Published abstract)