برنامج مقترح في المشروعات الصناعية الصغيرة لتنمية بعض مهارات ريادة الأعمال لدى طلاب المدرسة الثانوية الصناعية الزخرفية في ضوء التنمية المهنية المستدامة


The present research aims at developing entrepreneurship skills for decorative industrial secondary school students, through designing a suggested small industrial projects-based program that matches the requirements of sustainable professional development. The program included six small industrial projects they are (silkscreen printing, prominent pastes, epoxy paints, lacquers paints, stencil pigments and acid etching on metals). To answer the research questions, the industrial projects included in for third year students specialized in decoration were analyzed. A suggested list and measurement scale of entrepreneurship skills for industrial secondary school students were designed. All the previous steps lead to the program in its final form. The researcher suggests providing education and training program that enhance the development of entrepreneurship skills for industrial secondary school students and therefore achieve required sustainable professional development. (Published abstract)