مناهج التعليم العام في السودان بين التحولات السياسية ورؤى التطوير في الفترة من 1969م - 2019م
The study aimed to revealing the relationship of the general education curriculums in Sudan, between political transitions and development vision (From 1969 to 2019), the research used the descriptive analysis approach in describing and analyzing the study phenomenon. The results of the study are that: There is strong relationship between the general education curriculums in Sudan and political transitions and vision (From 1969 to 2019) by empowering partisan ideology. Those responsible for education to change educational policies rely on the ideology that governs their political movement. There are downsides produced from the political transformations and their association with Sudan’s education curriculum: There is no clear national educational philosophy reflects Sudanese education philosophy, curriculums that built on partisan ideology produced heterogamete generations and political and intellectual group. Therefore, the researcher presented recommendations: determining Sudanese educational philosophy far from partisan ideology and its special educational philosophy. Referring to sources that education experts mentioned them in generating curriculum goals. Taking standards that officials depend on to choose the content. To complete the research procedure, the researcher suggested several future studies, including: Conducting studies to reveal the effects of the relationship between public educations curricula in Sudan and political transformations and development vision in the period before 1969. Other studies to reveal the effects of the relationship between public education curricula in Sudan and the political transformations and development vision in the period of May 1969. Also, studies on the educational system that suitable for cultural diversity of Sudanese society, which helps to accept diversity, feeling unity and national affiliation. (Published abstract)