فاعلية تنوع أنماط الإرشاد عبر النصوص المصاحبة للرسومات الرقمية المتحركة في تنمية مهارات البحث الإلكتروني والتفكير التخيلي لدى طلاب الدراسات العليا بكلية التربية


The current study aimed at studying the effectiveness of the diversity of counseling patterns across texts accompanying animation in developing electronic research skills and imaginative thinking among graduate students at the Faculty of Education, The sample size was forty-seven (47) students from graduate students at the Faculty of Education, Taibah University in Medina region, and the sample students were distributed into two experimental groups for study. The educational content of electronic research skills across the web has been presented in two different patterns of the two levels of independent study, and it has two patterns: Short Text Electronic Instructions and Explanation (Long) Electronic Instructions. The study tools, which are represented in the e-search skills notecard on the web, were prepared and tested for imaginary thinking. The proposed unit was built and included the skills and methods of electronic search for information, references via the Internet and digital libraries, and their design and production. The researcher used a two-way analysis of variance to address the study data, and the result of the study showed the effectiveness of the level of electronic guidance style through the explanatory electronic texts accompanying digital animation, on a note card performing e-search skills over the web, as well as the imaginative thinking skills of graduate students. (Published abstract)