واقع استخدام التكنولوجيا المتنقلة في الإفادة من خدمات المعلومات في مكتبة الجامعة الأردنية من وجهة نظر الطلبة


The study aimed to identify the reality of using mobile technology in the utilization of information services in the library of University of Jordan from the perspective of students. The study community consisted of the undergraduate students of University of Jordan for the 2016-2017 academic year. The study sample was assigned randomly and contained 381 students .In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire that consisted of two parts was developed. The first part included the demographic data of the study sample in light of the following variables: (gender, school year, and college), as for the second part, it consisted of (29) paragraphs divided into three fields to measure the reality of students' usage of mobile technology and the benefits of using information services in the library of University of Jordan. The results showed that using mobile technology for personal recreational purposes and for learning purposes was average. It also indicated that the students 'use of the University of Jordan library site was average as well. The results additionally showed statistically significant differences in the students' usage of mobile technology in educational purposes for the benefit of fourth year students; it also showed a statistical indication of the reality of students' usage of mobile technology in the library site for entertainment purposes for the benefit of females. Based on the results, the study presented a number of recommendations. The most important ones are: the need for officials in the University of Jordan to keep to date with technological developments, to utilize the maximum usage of mobile technology, and to use mobile technology to provide information services to expand the scope of its uses and deliver it to beneficiaries. The study also recommends the necessity to give training classes to students on how to benefit from Information services in the library website. (Published abstract)