معيقات الشراكة المجتمعية في مبادرة القراءة والحساب للصفوف المبكرة من وجهة نظر المدیرین وأولياء الأمور في مدیریة تربية لواء ناعور في الأردن

This study aimed to determine the size of the obstacles facing the community partnership in the reading and math initiative (RAMP) implemented by the Ministry of Education in Jordan, the study was put into practice in the Directorate of Education of the Naur Brigade The results of the study indicated that there were statistical obstacles that faced the community participation program. The most prominent were the obstacles facing the family and the student. The study indicated that there is no relation between the experience of the school principals and the level of obstacles, and also between the educational level of the parents and the level of obstacles, except when it comes to the parents' obstacles dimension. The study recommends intensifying awareness and training programs for parents, especially volunteers, as well as providing adequate support for the teachers who participate in the implementation of the RAMP initiative. (Published abstract)