التفاعل بين نمطي تقييم الأقران (مجهولي الهوية / معلومي الهوية) والأسلوب المعرفي في بيئة تعلم إلكترونية قائمة على محفزات الألعاب وأثره في تنمية مهارات الكتابة التشاركية الإلكترونية والدافعية للإنجاز
The research aimed to identify the most appropriate patterns of peer evaluation through an e-learning environment based on gamification and the cognitive method (tolerant/not tolerant of ambiguity) in developing electronic participatory writing skills and motivation for achievement among foreign and foreign students. The semi-experimental approach was followed, and the research sample consisted of (40) students in the first advanced level at the Center for the Education of Foreign and Foreign Students affiliated to Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, divided into four groups, and each group consisted of (10) students. The researcher used the ambiguity tolerance scale (pre-) to divide the students into ambiguity-tolerant and non-tolerant groups, the cognitive achievement test (pre-post) to measure writing skills, achievement motivation scale (pre-post), and the writing product quality evaluation card (post). The search results revealed that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of ≤ (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental groups in the collaborative e-writing test for non-Arabic speaking students at the first advanced level as a result of the difference in the peer assessment pattern (anonymous / known identity) in An e-learning environment based on gamification in favor of the anonymous, and in favor of those who tolerate ambiguity as a result of the difference in the cognitive style (tolerant / intolerant of ambiguity), and as a result of the interaction between the two types of peer assessment and the two types of cognitive style, and this is consistent with what the researcher expected. The search results also revealed that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of ≤ (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental groups in the product evaluation card for non-Arabic speaking students at the first advanced level as a result of the difference in the peer evaluation pattern (unknown / known identity) in An e-learning environment based on gamification in favor of the anonymous, and in favor of those who tolerate ambiguity as a result of the difference in the cognitive style (tolerant / intolerant of ambiguity), and as a result of the interaction between the two types of peer evaluation and the two types of cognitive style, and this is consistent with what the researcher expected. The search results also revealed that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of ≤ (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental groups in the measure of achievement motivation among non-Arabic speaking students at the first advanced level as a result of the difference in the pattern of peer evaluation (unknown / known identity) in An e-learning environment based on gamification in favor of the anonymous, and in favor of those who tolerate ambiguity as a result of the difference in the cognitive style (tolerant / intolerant of ambiguity), and as a result of the interaction between the two types of peer assessment and the two types of cognitive style, and this is consistent with what the researcher expected. The study recommended the need to develop plans to expand the employment of peer assessment patterns in teaching different language skills when learning the Arabic language at different levels. It also recommends the use of anonymous peer assessment, especially with introverted personalities, and the use of gamification with other age stages and other levels of learning. (Published abstract)