التدفق النفسي واليقظة العقلية وعلاقتهما بالإبداع الوظيفي لدى عينة من معلمي الطلاب الموهوبين بمدينة جدة


The study aimed to identify psychological flow, mindfulness, and their relationship to job creativity among teachers of gifted students in Jeddah, and to reveal the differences in psychological flow, mental alertness, and job creativity, which are due to differences in some demographic variables (gender and type of school). The study also aimed to find out the possibility of Predicting job creativity through psychological flow and mindfulness. The study sample was (352) male and female teachers of gifted students. The researcher used the psychological flow scale prepared by Bakker (2008) and translated by Al-Sayed and Al-Harbi (2022), and the mindfulness scale prepared by Langer (1989) and translated by Al-Marri (2017), and the job creativity scale was prepared by the researcher. The researcher used the descriptive, predictive, correlative, and comparative approach. The results of the study showed that there is a significant correlation between both psychological flow and job creativity and between mindfulness and job creativity. The study found that there are no differences due to the gender variable in the study variables. The study also found that there are no differences due to the school type variable in both psychological flow and mindfulness. The results revealed the presence of differences due to the type of school in favor of private school teachers in the variable of job creativity. The results also revealed the possibility of predicting job creativity through psychological flow and mindfulness. Based on these results, the following of recommendations were suggested: designing programs for preparing teachers of the gifted that include courses and programs to develop psychological flow and mindfulness, paying attention to job creativity when selecting a teacher for the gifted students, and working with the administrations of schools of the gifted student to provide an environment that encourages the teacher's creativity. (Published abstract)