برنامج التقويم المستدام من أجل تعلم علم النفس (afl) في تنمية التفكير التقويمي والتنظيم الذاتي لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية
The research aims to investigate the effect of a program based on sustainable assessment for learning psychology (AFL) in developing some skills of assessment thinking and self-regulation. To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared the evaluation thinking test, the self-regulation scale, and a program based on sustainable assessment for learning psychology (AFL). The sample consisted of (70) female students enrolled in the academic year 2021-2022. The pre- application of the tools of the study (evaluative thinking and self-regulation) was done for both groups. The program based on sustainable assessment for learning psychology (AFL) was taught to the experimental group only while the teaching control group was using the normal methods. The post application of the tools of the study was done for both groups. The results showed that there is a statistically significant effect of the proposed program in developing the skills of evaluative thinking and self-regulation among secondary school students for the sake of the students in the experimental group. In light of the results of the research, the researcher recommended the necessity of including the teaching of this program within the topics of psychology for secondary school students and to provide training courses and workshops for teachers and faculty members to train them to employ assessment for learning and to encourage teachers to use assessment strategies for learning to develop assessment thinking skills and organization self. (Published abstract)