examining the e-assessment literacy of iranian english as a foreign language teachers
It is essential for language educators to possess proficiency in assessment practices. Currently, many instructors teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) are incorporating online English lessons into their curriculum due to the evident benefits of this mode of teaching and learning. This mixed-methods study aimed to investigate the e-assessment literacy of Iranian EFL teachers. The study included 66 EFL instructors selected from various universities, with 7 participating voluntarily in interviews. Data was gathered through the e-assessment literacy Questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Quantitative analysis involved calculating the frequency and percentage of responses to the questionnaire items, while qualitative analysis utilized MAX Qualitative Data Analysis (MAXQDA) 10 for thematic analysis. The quantitative findings indicated that a majority of EFL teachers perceived themselves as proficient in e-assessment and held positive views toward it. Qualitative analysis revealed several themes regarding EFL teachers' perceptions of e-assessment. Additionally, both advantages and disadvantages were identified concerning Iranian EFL teachers' e-assessment literacy. The study found that (64.1) percent of EFL teachers believed they were assessment literate. Moreover, EFL teachers exhibited the highest competency mean in e-assessment but scored lower in awareness of e-assessment. These findings hold implications for EFL teacher education material developers, teachers, and researchers. (Published abstract)