فاعلية كل من نموذج مارزانو ونظرية تريز في تنمية التفكير الهندسي لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية ذوي صعوبات التعلم


The present paper aims to identify the effectiveness of Marzano’s Model and TRIZ for teaching geometry on developing geometric thinking among first-year intermediate school students. It also explores the difference in the effectiveness of using Marzano’s model and TRIZ for teaching geometry on developing geometric thinking. To achieve these objectives, two teacher guides were prepared to teach the geometry module in the second semester of the first intermediate year using Marzano’s Model and TRIZ, student worksheets during teaching geometry and assessment using Marzano’s Model and TRIZ, and a geometric thinking test. For sampling, the illustrated thinking test (prepared by Ahmed Zaki Saleh), a diagnostic test on the congruence of triangles and parallelism units, and a diagnostic test on geometric constructions were applied. The experimental method based on the quasi-experimental design was adopted by the pre-test and post-test of the geometric thinking test on three groups: A control group taught traditionally, an experimental group taught using Marzano’s dimensions of learning model, and an experimental group taught using TRIZ. The results revealed that the students in the first experimental group excelled those in the control group in geometric thinking. Moreover, the students in the second experimental group excelled those in the control group in geometric thinking. The students in the first experimental group excelled those in the second experimental group in geometric thinking. Some recommendations were made, such as training student-teachers at the college of education and in-service teachers in using Marzano’s Model and TRIZ in teaching mathematics and geometric thinking development methods. (Published abstract)