برنامج تدريبي قائم على مهارة التقويم الذاتي لتنمية القدرة على الطفو الأكاديمي لدى طلبة الدبلوم المهني شعبة التربية الخاصة


This research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a program based on skill of self- evaluation to develop academic buoyancy of students who were registered for the vocational diploma in special education. The participants included 60 students. They were divided into two basic groups (one control and the other experimental) thirty students each, the researcher designed 2 tools: a scale of academic buoyancy and a program based on practice of skill of self- evaluation. The results of research assured that the effectiveness of the training program based on self- evaluation for the experimental group by using academic buoyancy scale. (Published abstract)