درجة ممارسة معلمي التربية الاجتماعية للمرحلة الأساسية الدنيا لمهارات التدريس وفق البيداغوجيا
The study aimed to assess the extent of social education teachers' practice in the lower elementary stage regarding teaching skills according to pedagogy. The researcher employed a descriptive survey methodology, using a questionnaire distributed to a group of male and female teachers instructing social education in the lower elementary stage in government schools under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education in the Northern Jordan Valley. The total number of participants was 70 teachers, selected through simple random sampling. The study revealed that the degree of practice among social studies teachers in the lower elementary stage for teaching skills according to pedagogy was high. Furthermore, the study indicated no statistically significant differences at a significance level of (0.05 ≥ a) in the mean responses of social education teachers on the teaching skills scale according to pedagogy concerning variables such as gender, academic qualification and years of experience. Based on the results, the study recommends the necessity of enhancing the focus on practical aspects of lessons and organizing practical activities and application projects. Additionally, the researcher suggests organizing training courses that concentrate on improving teaching skills according to pedagogy and presenting teaching strategies that rely on interaction with students to enhance participation and understanding. (Author’s abstract)