أثر استخدام استراتيجية مثلث الاستماع في تنمية مهارات الاستماع الناقد لدى طلاب الصف السابع الأساسي


The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of using the listening triangle strategy on developing critical listening skills among seventh-grade students in Irbid Governorate. The researcher employed a quasi-experimental design, and the study sample consisted of (55) seventh-grade students from Al-Mazareeb Basic School for Boys, selected using a convenient sampling method. The students were randomly assigned to two groups: an experimental group consisting of 30 students, which received instruction using the listening triangle strategy, and a control group consisting of (25) students, which received instruction using the conventional method. The researcher prepared a multiple-choice test comprising 20 items to measure the participants' critical listening skills. The study results revealed statistically significant differences at a significance level of (α≤0.05) in favor of the experimental group, indicating the effectiveness of the teaching method (listening triangle strategy).Based on the study findings, the researcher recommended adopting the listening triangle strategy in teaching Arabic language for seventh-grade students and conducting similar studies in different educational stages. (Author’s abstract)