واقع دور مؤسسات رياض الأطفال في توظيف الألعاب التربوية لتنمية الوعي الوقائي لدى أطفال الروضة بمحافظة دمياط


The aim of this research is to reveal the reality of the role of kindergarten institutions in employing educational games to develop preventive awareness among kindergarten children in light, from the point of view of kindergarten principals and teachers in Damietta governorate. It was applied to a stratified of (460) kindergarten principals and teachers in the ten educational departments. The results of the research concluded that the general average of the degree to which the study members changed the reality of the role of kindergarten institutions in employing educational games to develop preventive awareness among kindergarten children pandemic came with a low degree of verification, and the research recommended the necessity of employing educational games as an educational method within kindergarten institutions to provide them with various skills and experiences related to the preventive and behavioral aspect of children, which leads to the success of the educational process. (Published abstract)