فعالية برنامج تدخل مبكر لتنمية مهارتي الإنتباه البصري والإدراك البصري لدى أطفال الروضة ذوي صعوبات التعلم النمائية


This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of an early intervention program to develop the skills of visual attention and perception among kindergarten children with developmental learning disabilities. It also aims to investigate effectiveness of the program during the follow-up period. The sample consisted 20 male and female kindergarten children with developmental learning disabilities affiliated to the Damietta Educational Administration, ranging between 4 to 6 years old with a standard deviation of 0.391. The research tools included Ravens’s Colored Progressive Matrices Test Standardized by Hassan (2016), the Quick Neurological Screening Test "QNST" prepared by Motti, Sizzling, and Spalding, translated and standardized by Kamel (2007), A scale of Visual Attention and perception skills for kindergarten children, prepared by the current researcher, and the early intervention program, prepared by the current researcher. The results of the study reveal the effectiveness of an early intervention program in developing visual attention and perception skills of kindergarten children with developmental learning disabilities. (Published abstract)