أثر استخدام التعليم المدمج في تدريس مادة التربية الموسيقية على التحصيل والوعي الوطني لدى طالبات الصف الثاني الثانوي


The aim of the research is to track the effect of teaching using blended learning for female second-year secondary school students on their achievement in the subject of music education and their national awareness. The research sample consisted of 24 female students who were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. The experimental method was applied to teaching with blended learning using the (Teams) application in an asynchronous manner and the application Practical face-to-face music education class for part of the (2021-2022) ministerial plan for the music education subject. The results of the research came after the pre-, post- and second-dimensional application of the research tools as follows: 1) Integrated education has a positive impact on increasing students’ cognitive and skill achievement in the subject of music education. 2) There are statistically significant differences between the post and second measurements in both the music achievement test and the national awareness scale for the control and experimental groups in favor of the experimental group at a significance level of 0.01. 3) There are differences in the percentage of change between the preened post-measurements and the second post-measurement for the control and experimental groups in favor of the experimental group. (Published abstract)