أثر التفاعل بين نمط ممارسة الأنشطة الإلكترونية (فردي/ تعاوني) والأسلوب المعرفي (تحمل / عدم تحمل) الغموض ببيئة تعلم مصغر في تنمية مهارات البرمجة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية
The aim of this research is to reveal the impact of the interaction between Practicing Electronic Activities Method (individual/ collaborative) and the Cognitive Method in ambiguity (tolerance/intolerance), in micro-learning environment; to develop the HTML language programming skills for second-year preparatory school students. The research sample consisted of a random sample of (150) male and female students from the second year of preparatory school, at the at Juhayna Al-Gharbiyya Elementary School, Juhayna Education Administration, Sohag Governorate, distributed into four experimental groups. The research tools were an achievement test to measure the cognitive aspects of programming skills, and an observation sheet to measure the performance aspects related to the HTML language programming skills. The results of the post-application of the experimental groups showed that students with the cognitive method (ambiguity tolerance) who studied using the electronic activities practice pattern (cooperative) outperformed their peers in the other three experimental groups in achieving the cognitive and performance aspects in developing programming skills using HTML. The experimental groups sort is in terms of their interaction in the achievement test and the observation sheet was as follows: the group of students with the cognitive method of (ambiguity tolerance) who studied using the practicing electronic activities pattern (collaborative), the group of students with the cognitive method of ambiguity tolerance who studied using the of practicing electronic activities pattern (individual), the group of students with the cognitive method of (ambiguity intolerance) who studied using the practicing electronic activities pattern (collaborative), and the group of students with the cognitive method of (ambiguity intolerance) who studied using the of practicing electronic activities pattern (individual). The results of this research recommend that designers of micro learning environments should pay attention to the importance of employing the of practicing electronic activities pattern (collaborative) in carrying out educational tasks and assignments due to its clear impact on developing learners' skills and improving their performance. (Published abstract)