التفاعل بين نمط الوكيل الذكي ومستوى السعة العقلية في بيئة تعلم إلكترونية لتنمية مهارات صيانة الحاسب الآلي والانخراط في التعلم لدى طلاب المعاهد العليا
The research aimed to develop computer maintenance skills and engage in learning among students at higher institutes. The study sample consisted of (128) first-year students from the Higher Institute of Administrative Sciences in Sohag. They were divided into (4) experimental groups. The research tools include an achievement test and an observation sheet to measure the cognitive and performance aspects related to computer maintenance skills, in addition to a learning engagement scale. The research relied on descriptive studies and quasi-experimental methodology. The research results indicated that the realistic intelligent agent pattern outperformed the cartoon intelligent agent pattern in the achievement test scores, observation sheet, and learning engagement scale. Additionally, the results showed that students with higher cognitive capacity outperformed their peers with lower cognitive capacity in the achievement test scores, observation sheet, and learning engagement scale. The ranking of the experimental groups based on their interaction in the achievement test, observation sheet, and learning engagement scale was as follows: 1) The first group: realistic intelligent agent pattern with high cognitive capacity students. 2) The second group: cartoon intelligent agent pattern with high cognitive capacity students. 3) The third group: realistic intelligent agent pattern with low cognitive capacity students. 4) The fourth group: cartoon intelligent agent pattern with low cognitive capacity students. The research recommended the necessity of focusing on developing computer maintenance skills for university students by relying on modern technological variables that consider the characteristics of the targeted students. (Published abstract)