واقع دور بيئة الروضة في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية المعاصرة لدى الأطفال بمحافظة دمياط


This study aimed to reveal the reality of the role of the kindergarten environment in the development of life skills among kindergarten children in Damietta Governorate, from the point of view of principals and teachers in kindergartens in the ten educational departments in Damietta Governorate. It was applied to a stratified random sample of principals and teachers in kindergartens, in the ten educational departments. medium, low), and the dimension of "the role of educational activities in developing the life skills of a kindergarten child through the teacher" ranked first with an average degree of verification, followed by the dimension of "the role of the kindergarten teacher in developing the life skills of the child" with a low degree of verification, then the dimension of "the role of the curriculum education in the development of life skills among kindergarten children through kindergarten teachers” with a low degree of verification, followed by the dimension of “the role of the kindergarten principal in developing life skills” with a low degree of verification، and finally came the dimension of “the role of a Parents in developing the life skills of a kindergarten child" with a low verification score، and the research recommended that 1) the kindergarten should pay attention to reconsider the admission policy in kindergarten institutions, as it is not limited to age only, but there must be an acceptance test to learn more about the child. 2) Invite kindergarten teachers to focus on life skills in their various aspects during learning. 3) Develop and modify the kindergarten curriculum in line with contemporary life skills. 4) Encourage parents and the local community to provide educational aids in the kindergarten. Children's acquisition of life skills has become a necessity imposed by the change taking place today in the world in all fields. (Published abstract)