تأثير استخدام استراتيجية التكامل التعاوني على تعلم بعض المهارات المنهجية في الجمباز الفني لدى طالبات كلية التربية الرياضية


The research aimed to identify the effect of using the collaborative integration strategy (Jixo) on learning some methodological skills of the ground apparatus in the artistic gymnastics which include (rolling forward from flying - standing on the hands - standing on the head - standing on the shoulders) of female students of the Faculty of Physical Education. The research problem was identified due to the presence of a noticeable decrease in the level of skillful performance of the students compared to the effort exerted by their lecturers, in addition to the emergence of some performance errors in the skillful performance of these students in final exams. The researchers see that gymnastics skills are very difficult as they need cooperation, participation, error correction, and motivation. This is provided by the Jigsaw strategy. The researchers used the experimental approach relying on the experimental design with two groups (experimental and control) with the pre and post measurement method for the two groups. The research community is represented by the second-year students at the College of Education Sohag University which includes (240) students. The research sample included (80) students divided into (30) students as an experimental group, (30) students as a control group, and (20) students as an exploratory sample (10) from the research community, but outside the research sample and (10) from outside the research community. The researchers used the skill performance evaluation form as a tool to collect data for some basic skills of the artistic gymnastics. The study found that using jigsaw strategy had a clear and effective impact on the development of some methodological skills of artistic gymnastics of the Faculty of Physical Education students. (Published abstract)