تأثير برنامج مقترح باستخدام استراتيجية التعلم التعاوني على تعلم بعض المهارات الأساسية في السباحة لدى طلاب كلية التربية الرياضية بجامعة سوهاج
The research aimed to "prepare a proposed unit using cooperative learning strategy and investigate its effect on the performance level of some basic swimming skills of the first-year students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Sohag University." The researcher used the experimental method for its relevance to the nature of the research through the experimental design, which depends on two groups. One of them is the experimental and the other is the control group. (120) students from the total research community were selected. The basic research sample included (100) students. It was divided into two groups, one of them is the control group and the other is experimental group, each consisting of (50) students. The researcher used (20) students from the same research community and outside the basic research sample to be (the exploratory study sample). In light of the objectives and hypotheses of the study, the researcher reached the following: 1) There was a statistically significant difference at the level of (.05) between the two-dimensional averages of the control and experimental groups in the test of the swimming basic skills (buoyancy- breathing in water -standing in water) in favor of the experimental group. 2) Using cooperative learning strategy led to the increasing of student outcomes in terms of knowledge and practice, as well as considering the individual differences of the learners. 3) Using cooperative learning strategy led to softening of the authoritarian atmosphere of the teacher, including an atmosphere of anxiety and turned it into an atmosphere of friendliness and love. 4) The proposed educational program using cooperative learning strategy had a positive effect on learning the swimming skills of the study. 5) Using cooperative learning strategy contributed in increasing the educational experiences of the students. 6) the researcher recommended conducting similar studies on other practical courses in the preparatory and specialized stages in the faculties of physical education. (Published abstract)