تنمية الوعي الصحي لدى تلاميذ مرحلة التعليم الأساسي فى مصر على ضوء خبرة أستراليا


The study aimed to know the current state of health awareness among basic education students, and to develop procedural proposals to confront some of the difficulties that hinder the school from spreading health awareness in Egypt by benefiting from the experience of Australia, and then the study reached the importance of providing the necessary funding and diversifying its sources through the work of a voluntary fund Within the school, increasing the number of classrooms by establishing schools affiliated with the school, including health education within the different school curricula, providing a special room for mental health and for studying cases for students, increasing the numbers of workers in the field of security and safety, the need for the Factories and major industrial companies in their role in social responsibility, which positively affects the development of health awareness among basic education students. (Published abstract)