علاقة البرامج التلفزيونية العنيفة وتطبيقات الهواتف الذكية بالسلوكيات العدوانية لدى الأطفال من عمر 6 إلى 9
The study aims to examine the relationship between watching violent television programs and using smartphone applications, and their impact on aggressive behavior among Lebanese children ages 6-9 years. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to a convenient sample of parents. The results showed a weak positive correlation between watching violent television programs and using smart phone applications and aggressive behavior, and between using smart phone applications and aggressive behavior, and between the role of the family in rationalizing the use of smart phone applications and aggressive behavior. It also showed a moderate positive correlation between watching violent television programs and aggressive behavior, as well as between the role of the family in rationalizing watching television programs and the use of smart phone applications and aggressive behavior. In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of the interaction between watching television programs and using smart phone applications in shaping children’s aggressive behavior, and indicates a vital role for the family in determining and rationalizing the use of smart phone applications and television programs to maintain desirable behaviors for children. (Published abstract)