إستخدام أسلوبي التحليل العنقودي والتحليل التمييزي في تصنيف الطلبة وفقا لتحصيلهم الدراسي وعلاقته باتجاهاتهم نحو التعلم عن بعد مقارنة بالتعلم المباشر
The study aimed to use cluster analysis and discriminant function analysis methods in classifying students’ data according to their academic achievement, and knowing their attitudes towards distance learning compared to direct learning and its relationship to academic achievement clusters. The descriptive method was used in a correlational and comparative manner. The study consisted of a random sample of data (93 male and female students from the first year of secondary school) where a scale of students’ attitudes towards distance learning and direct learning was used. The results showed there are two groups of clusters, and the ratio of canonical correlation to the discriminatory function was 0.878, and the ability of the discriminatory function to distinguish between the two groups and the ratio of the correct rating is 98.9. The results of the study found that there are no statistically significant differences between students with a positive attitude towards direct learning and students with a negative attitude towards direct learning. in the first cluster and in the second cluster. (Published abstract)