جودة الحياة وعلاقتها بالكفاءة الوالدية لدى أمهات الأطفال المعاقين سمعيا المتمدرسين : دراسة ميدانية بمدرسة المعاقين سمعيا بمدينة بسكرة
The aim of the present study is to identify the relationship between quality of life and parental efficiency among the mothers of hearing-impaired children studying in the city of Biskra. In order to determine the objectives of the study, the following questions were raised: 1) What is the quality of life of children's hearing impaired and educated mothers? 2) What is the level of parental efficiency of parents of hearing-impaired children who are educated? 3) Is there a statistically significant correlation between the quality of life and the parental efficiency of parents of hearing-impaired children who are educated? 4) Are there differences in the quality of life among the mothers of hearing-impaired children who are educated depending on (number of children, level of education, marital status? 5) Are there differences in parental efficiency among the mothers of hearing-impaired children who are educated depending on (number of children - educational level - marital status? The study drew on the associative descriptive curriculum by describing and analyzing the relationship between quality of life and parental efficiency of the parents of hearing-impaired and educated children. The study sample (70) at the Audiovisual School included teachers in the city of Biskra. The quality of life form (PAR-AR-QOL) was based on the translation of tender names, the Parental competence Scale (POSC) translated into Arabic. The study yielded the following results: 1) The quality of life of mothers of hearing-impaired children who are educated is average. 2) Parental efficiency of mothers of hearing-impaired and educated children is average. 3) There is no statistically significant correlation between the quality of life and the parental efficiency of the parents of hearing-impaired and educated children. 4) There are no statistically significant differences in the quality of life of mothers of hearing-impaired children who are educated depending on (number of children, level of education, marital status). 5) There are no statistically significant differences in parental efficiency among the mothers of hearing-impaired children who are educated depending on (number of children - level of education - marital status). This result excludes the mother's marital status, showing that there is a statistically significant difference between parental efficiency and this variable. (Author’s abstract)