تأثير عادات العقل وأساليب التعلم على إنتقاء التخصصات الدراسية : دراسة ميدانية بدائرة عين التوتة


This study aims to identify the differences between the pupils who chose the specialization with a personal desire and the pupils who chose the specialization with other factors in the mind habits and learning styles, to determine the effect size of mind habits and learning styles on the selection process of the academic specialization. The student used the descriptive comparative method. The total study sample consisted of (341) male and female students, (118) of whom were pupils of the middle school fourth year, and (163) were pupils of the secondary school first year (scientific and literary). The study tools were: Mind Habits questionnaire, Feder and Silverman's Learning Styles Scale. The results are: 1) There are differences in the mind habits between students who chose the specialization according to a personal desire and students who chose the specialization according to other factors in favor for the ones who chose it according to their personal desire (perseverance, control on recklessness, listen with understanding and sympathy, flexible thinking, thinking and metathinking, striving for accuracy, the questions and poses Problems dimension, applying past knowledge to new situations, perception, innovation and renewal, thinking and communicating clearly and accurately, taking responsible risks, finding a joke, being prepared for continuous learning). 2) There are no differences between the students who chose the specialization according to their personal desire and students who chose it according to other factors in learning techniques (contemplative practical, visual and verbal). 3) There are no differences between the students who chose the specialization according to their personal desire and students who chose it according to other factors in learning techniques (the sensory intuitive dimension, the total consecutive) in favor of those who chose the specialization. 4) The mind habits affect the selection process of study specialization. 5) The learning styles affect the selection process of the academic specialization (intuitive dimension, the total dimension). (Author’s abstract)