فعالية برنامج قائم على المناعة النفسية لتنظيم الانفعالات الأكاديمية لدى المتفوقين عقليا منخفضي التحصيل الدراسي بالمرحلة الثانوية


This research aimed to detect the effectiveness a program based on psychological immunity to improve positive academic emotions (Academic enjoyment - academic pride - academic hope), and reduce negative academic emotions (Academic anger, academic boredom, academic shyness, academic anxiety, academic despair) among mentally superior low academic achievement students in secondary school, the research sample consisted of (40) (male and female) mentally superior low academic achievement students, in 2nd secondary school, east Kafr El-Sheikh, (21 female, 19 male), their age was between (16-17) years, their IQ ranged between (120-130) and their academic achievement was under (75%),divided into (2) equivalent groups: a control group and an experimental group) the research tools included Raven IQ scale (transelated by Emad Ahmed Hassan, 2016),psychological immunity scale (prepared by the researcher), academic emotions scale(prepared by the researcher). The program based on psychological immunity (prepared by the researcher), the research results revealed the effectiveness. The effectiveness of a program based on psychological immunity to regulate academic emotions among mentally superior low academic achievement students in secondary school, and there are differences between mentally superior low academic achievement students in secondary school in psychological immunity and academic emotions by kind. (Published abstract)