إدارة التغيير وعلاقتها بالولاء التنظيمي في المؤسسات التعليمية في دولة الكويت : دراسة مكتبية تحليلية
The study aimed to identify the concept of change management and its importance, to identify the concept of organizational loyalty for workers in educational institutions, to identify the relationship of change management with organizational loyalty in educational institutions in the State of Kuwait, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the analytical desk approach was used, and by reviewing the literature of the study it became clear that Change management is a philosophy of corporate management that includes the intervention of the planner in one or some aspects of the organization to change it in order to increase its effectiveness and achieve the desired compatibility with the justifications for this change, and one of the factors affecting increasing the effectiveness of the institution is organizational loyalty as it is one of the most important issues that concern the management of organizations being It became responsible for maintaining the organization in a good and sound condition and enabling it to continue and survive. On the other hand, it became clear to the researcher that among the reasons for the introduction of change management in educational institutions in the State of Kuwait in order to increase confidence, respect and interaction between management personnel, and increase the enthusiasm and ability of management personnel in facing their problems and in their self-discipline, and this matter requires the presence of organizational loyalty among individuals working in the institution And allowing them to participate and interact positively, not only in the manner of procedures and implementation of the work, but also in contributing to setting goals, planning and drawing the general policies of the organization. Organizational loyalty is affected by a set of personal characteristics, organizational factors and external circumstances surrounding the work, and change management is considered one of the organizational factors of the organization, and the loyalty of individuals to their organizations is an important factor in predicting the effectiveness of the organization. The management can take advantage of the motivations of employees, including organizational loyalty, in directing it towards the required change and providing appropriate satisfaction through an incentive program that is characterized by fairness and diversity and helps to achieve the goals of change. The process and efficiency of the targeted change is directly related to the degree of the contribution of the individuals working in the organization through discovering facts, gathering information and data, and showing the required change trends in harmony with the general objectives. The involvement of individuals working in change management is only possible through having organizational loyalty towards the institution in which they work. (Published abstract)