إستخدام استراتيجية الصراع المعرفي في تصويب المفاهيم النحوية الخاطئة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية


This study aimed to identify the use of the cognitive conflict strategy in correcting grammatical misconceptions among the students of the preparatory stage. The study is an experimental method, where one group is used. The research utilized the following instruments: Cognitive study worksheets, a diagnostic test on misperceptions, and testing the concepts of the experiment and the results of the study to: The Eta square equation was used in all levels, and the Eta square equation was used to find the effect size and the value size was found to be (0.96) and the effect size was found to be greater than (0.14) and the effect size was large. The study recommended taking into account the developers of curricula, especially the Arabic language, to design grammatical concepts hierarchically so that the sub-links in the concept become clear during the training course, while employing modern strategies, which work in the student's mind in developing grammatical concepts such as the conflict strategy. (Published abstract)