الدعم الأسري وأثره على التفوق الدراسي في تعلم اللغات لدى طلبة المدرسة العليا للأساتذة ببوزريعة


Opinions are unanimous that the teaching of languages is based on the spoken aspect, and as language is a social phenomenon that is acquired through listening and simulation and then through education and practice, the educated family has a great and effective influence in the development of these languages acquired from the educational environment; therefore, this study aimed to identify the extent to which the family contributes and supports its children in the good achievement. It was applied to a random sample of students from the higher school of teachers in Bouzareah in the French and English departments, as they belong to it with good and excellent rates. A questionnaire consisting of (13) questions was used. Analyzing the students' answers using the descriptive analytical method, and the results showed that the family's cultural level and family stability have an effective role in achieving academic excellence, good learning and outstanding student achievement. (Published abstract)