دور بيداغوجيا المشروع في دعم التعلم التعاوني بين متعلمي الطور الابتدائي الثالث وأثره في إكسابهم مهارات التفكير الإبداعي

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Project pedagogy is one of the modern methods of implementing the educational process in multiple ways, including the method of cooperative learning in implementing projects, and through it highlighting the various creative skills of learners. This study aims to introduce the project's pedagogy in developing the learner's performance in the context of cooperative learning and its impact on developing creative thinking skills for learners in the third stage of primary school. We have put forward for this study a set of questions, the most important of which is the problem represented in the following: What is the impact of the project’s pedagogy in supporting cooperative learning among learners of the third stage of primary education in providing them with different creative thinking skills? Through this study, it was found that some educators are still far from implementing the cooperative learning method in projecting projects in their best form. Therefore, we believe that it is important for teachers to benefit from trainings at the highest levels, to have a significant impact on their performance within the class (section), and thus this will be positively reflected on the educational and cognitive achievement of learners. (Author’s abstract)