تحديد مستوى معالجة المعلومات عند الإسترجاع أثناء التفكير الرياضي لدى أطفال صعوبات تعلم الرياضيات المرحلة الإبتدائية


The present study aimed to determine the level of processing information upon Retrieval during mathematical thinking in the fourth-year primary school pupils with Mathematics Learning Disability (MLD), effect sample (n=25) it was chosen from four primary schools in the city of Setif for the academic year 2020/2021. To achieve the purpose of the study it was followed the descriptive -analytical method of an exploratory nature.by applying three tools: Diagnostic assessment measure with math learning difficulties (EL.Zayyat.2008), GoodEnouth Drew Test men, A scale for Determining the levels of information processing for MLD (Designed by the Researcher) Using statistical methods: One-sample T -test, Pearson Correlation, Simple Linear Regression, via statistical analyses program (SPSS-26), the study conducted: 1. Fourth-year students with learning difficulties in mathematics depend on the superficial cognitive level (formal processing) through performance on the scale. 2. There are statistically significant differences between the middle grades of the sample study and test value of measurement in the Shallow level on recognition. 3. There are statistically significant differences between the middle grades of the sample study and test value of measurement in the deep level on recognition. 4. There are no statistically significant differences between the middle grades of the sample study and test value of measurement in the deepest level on recognition. 5. There are statistically significant differences between the middle grades of the sample study and test value of measurement in the Shallow level on recall. 6. There are no statistically significant differences between the middle grades of the sample study and test value of measurement in the deep level on recall. 7. There are no statistically significant differences between the middle grades of the sample study and test value of measurement in the deepest level on recall. 8. There is a statistically significant relationship between the levels of information processing and recognition. 9. There is a statistically significant relationship between the levels of information processing and recall. 10. There are low effect between level of processing information and Retrieval. The study came out with many recommendations, including: Given more space to research and study to activity mental pupils with mathematics learning disability and intensifying research in the levels of information processing model "Craick and Lockhart model" due to its importance and its reflection on identifying the cognition factors of mnemonic performance and benefiting from its principals and its assumptions. (Author’s abstract)