إقتراح شبكة ملاحظة للكشف عن بعض الذكاءات المتعددة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإبتدائية من خلال حصة التربية البدنية والرياضية : دراسة ميدانية ببعض إبتدائيات ولايتي بسكرة وسطيف
The current study aimed to propose an observation grid to detect some of the multiple intelligences among primary school students through the physical and sports education class in some municipal elementary schools - Biskra and Setif -. The researcher relied on the literature that dealt with the issue of multiple intelligences and observation. During this study, she modified the observation grid in stages by identifying the basic intelligences of observation grid, which were distributed on the seven domains: social, personal, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, physical and kinesthetic. - Natural, which was formulated in procedural indicators. It was applied to a basic sample of 133 students of both sexes divided into some elementary schools belonging to the various educational districts in the wilayats of Biskra and Setif, The results revealed very acceptable validity and reliability coefficients that make the multiple intelligences observation grid an acceptable evaluation tool during the physical education session. (Author’s abstract)