واقع تطبيق المساءلة التربوية في مدارس القدس كما يراها المسؤولون، المديرون والمعلمون


The present study aimed to explore the reality of educational accountability in Jerusalem and to study the accountability under the commitment of the Palestinian Ministry of Education to achieve the fourth goal of the 2030 sustainable development plan. The ministry has changed its educational system to the system of accountability based on results, which has brought about profound changes in the approved educational system and in this direction. A step towards understanding the reality of educational accountability, the researcher analyzed the law and the accountability system contained in the relevant documents in accordance with the standards of global evaluation (importance, Efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability). To discover the reality of educational accountability, twelve individual Semi-Structured interviews were held with three different groups (perspective of officials, Principals, and Teachers). The researcher used the qualitative structure with an analytical and critical descriptive to analyze data to reach the results in accordance with Crooks standards (2003) for intelligent educational accountability. One of the most notable outcomes of this study was that the accountability contained in the law and documents was traditional accountability that supports the central decision-making and planning, despite its interest in improving educational attainment. The researcher also develops a model of accountability at the directorate and school level based on international standards. After analyzing the interviews, the researcher found that the most prominent strength in the current accountability system is the participation and responsibility in the teaching process. And the most prominent weaknesses are in monitoring, evaluation, and the development of deep learning. The results of the study showed also that, the current accountability system is characterized by some weaknesses in verifying the integrity of the curriculum and meeting the needs of students, in addition to the centrality of decisions and objectives, which is contrary to the national priorities of the Ministry of Education and this call for the need to support schools towards evaluation, development, and self-planning, under the centrality of decision and objectives, which is contrary to the national priorities of the Ministry of Education. These results lead to supporting schools towards evaluation, development, and self-planning, following the national priorities of the Ministry of Education and satisfying the needs of the schools and national priorities. The researcher put some recommendations for decision-makers and supervises, that the Ministry of Education should take advantage of the experiences of countries that apply educational accountability to improve the current educational system and to reduce the gaps and modify the educational attainment of the students. The Ministry of Education should activate an accountability system and review the structure of the education system making it fit with the new system and the tasks assigned to it. (Author’s abstract)