درجة ممارسة مديري المدارس الأساسية الحكومية بالمحافظات الجنوبية لفلسطين للقيادة الأخلاقية وعلاقتها بالمساءلة الإدارية

This study aimed to identify the degree to which principals of basic schools practice ethical leadership and its relationship to administrative accountability in the southern governorates of Palestine from the point of view of their teachers. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach, and the study population consisted of all primary school teachers in the government schools in the southern governorates of Palestine. The study sample included (300) male and female teachers, who were chosen by the simple random method. The researcher used two questionnaires; the first questionnaire consisted of (37) items distributed over four fields, and the second questionnaire consisted of (30) items distributed over four domains, and he used the statistical packages program (SPSS) for the statistical analysis of the study data. The study reached the following results: 1) There is a high level of practice by basic school principals of ethical leadership from the teachers' point of view, with a relative weight of (70.85%). 2) There are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) between the mean scores of the study sample’s estimate of the degree of ethical leadership practiced by the principals of government basic schools in the southern governorates of Palestine due to the gender variable (male, female) in the total score, and in all fields in favor of females. 3) There is a high level of administrative accountability from the teachers' point of view, as it received a weight of (72.84%), with a high degree of practice. 4) There are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05)) between the mean scores of the study sample’s estimate of the degree to which principals of government basic schools in the southern governorates of Palestine practice administrative accountability due to the gender variable (male, female) in the total score, and in all fields in favor of females. 5) There is a direct, statistically significant correlation between the total degree of ethical leadership and the total degree of administrative accountability and all areas between them, and this means that the higher the degree of ethical leadership practice, the greater the administrative accountability. Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends the following: 1) Maintaining this high level shown by the results of the study regarding the level of ethical leadership by providing them with appropriate support. 2) The necessity of paying attention to the practice of basic school principals of ethical leadership in all its fields, given its proven importance in supporting the levels of administrative accountability among principals of basic schools. (Author’s abstract)