مدى امتلاك معلمات مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة بدولة قطر لمهارات إكساب الأطفال مهارات الوعي الصوتي
The current study aimed to determine the extent to which teachers in early childhood in Qatar possess the skills to provide students with phonological awareness skills. A quantitative research approach was followed to collect data from Arabic language teachers in Qatar government schools. After checking the tool for validity and reliability, the tool, was sent out to teachers of Arabic language; a total of 211 Arabic language teachers responded to the survey. The main findings of the study are threefold: First, early childhood teachers confuse between phonological awareness skills and phonemic awareness. Second, there is a significant difference in teachers’ phonological awareness skills based on their teaching experience, inclination to teaching children, and the method of acquiring knowledge in phonological awareness. Third, there are no significant differences in teachers’ phonological awareness skills attributed to their educational level and major. According to the results, the study recommends the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) to prepare training programs for teachers in order to raise their awareness in phonological skills and the importance of implementing these skills in their instruction. The study also encourages the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) to provide support to Arabic language teachers and to provide them with the required guidance to implement phonological awareness skills into their teaching. (Author's abstract)